Since 1995 known as numeric, since 2006 as NumPy — "Numerical Python extensions"
Key features of the NumPy library:
The core of the NumPy package is the ndarray object
Speed of NumPy is due to:
During conversion, you can specify the data type using the dtype argument:
Or similarly
intervalsThe array sizes are stored in the shape field, and the number of dimensions are stored in ndim.
The reshape method allows you to transform the dimensions of an array without changing the data, but possibly with copying.
To unroll a multi-dimensional array into a vector, you can use the ravel function (equivalent to `reshape(-1, order=order)`).
In NumPy, familiar Python indexing works, including the use of negative indices and slices.
You can use lists as indices.
(but better use pandas)
Operations in NumPy can be performed directly on vectors of equal dimension without using loops. For example, the computation of the element-wise difference between vectors looks like this:
Similarly, for multi-dimensional arrays.
Note 3: All arithmetic operations on arrays of the same size are performed element-wise.
Broadcasting removes "the same dimension" rule and allows you to perform arithmetic operations on arrays of different, but still, aligned dimensions. The simplest example is multiplying a vector by a number
The rule of dimensionality consistency is expressed in one sentence:
For broadcasting, starting from right
the dimensions along the axes in two arrays must either be the same,
or one of them must be equal to one.
Add the same vector to each row of the matrix.
Now if we want to do the same trick but with columns, we can't just add a vector consisting of 4 elements because in this case the dimensions will not be coordinated.
First, the vector needs to be transformed to the form:
And then add the matrix to it:
If you need to multiply multidimensional arrays not element-by-element, but according to the rule of matrix multiplication, you should use
Transposition is done with array.T
Note: Each of the listed functions has the axis parameter, which indicates along which dimension to perform this operation. By default, the operation is performed on all values of the array.
You can concatenate several arrays using the functions np.concatenate, np.vstack, np.hstack, np.dstack
Consider the Pandas library (named from panel data), designed for reading, preprocessing and fast visualization of structured data, as well as for simple analytics.
Even when there are only two columns (for example, grouping by one and aggregating by the second), Pandas is already better. The column titles should correctly reflect the physical meaning, the index (row labels) is not necessarily numerical.
Note: If you want to modify the data of a slice without changing the main table, you need to make a copy.
Note: If you want to change the main table, use loc/iloc.
And don't do this way:
You can get the values of only the necessary columns by
passing in []
the column name (or list of column names).
Note: If we pass the name of one column, we get an object of class pandas.Series, and if a list of column names, we get a pandas.DataFrame. To get a numpy.array, refer to the values field.
Series and DataFrame have many common methods.
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