Logical rule
$X^\ell = (x_i, y_i)_{i=1}^\ell \subset X \times Y$ — training sample, $y_i = y(x_i)$
A logical rule (regularity) is a predicate
$R: X \to \{0, 1\}$, satisfying two requirements:
- Interpretability:
- $R$ is written in natural language
- $R$ depends on a small number of features (usually 1-3)
- Informativeness with respect to one of the classes $c \in Y$:
- $p_c (R) = #\{x_i : R(x_i)=1 \text{ and } y_i =c\} \to \max$
- $n_c (R) = #\{x_i : R(x_i)=1 \text{ and } y_i \neq c\} \to \min$
If $R(x) = 1$, then we say "$R$ covers $x$"
Example from medicine
If "age > 60" and
"patient has previously had a heart attack",
then do not perform surgery, the risk of negative outcome is 60%
Example from the field of scoring
If "home phone is listed on the form" and
"salary > $2000" and "loan amount < $5000"
then the loan can be issued, default risk is 5%
Main steps of rules induction
- Selection of rule family for finding regularities
- Rule generation
- Rule regularity selection
Regularity is a highly informative, interpretable,
single-class classifier with rejections.
Rule family selection
- Threshold condition (decision stump):
$$R(x) = [f_j(x) \leq {\color{orange}a_j}] \text{ or } [{\color{orange}a_j} \leq f_j(x) \leq {\color{orange}b_j}]$$
- Conjunction of threshold conditions:
$$R(x) = \bigwedge\limits_{j \in {\color{orange}J}} [{\color{orange}a_j} \leq f_j(x) \leq {\color{orange}b_j}]$$
- Syndrome — at least $d$ conditions out of $|J|$ must hold (for $d = |J|$ this is conjunction, for $d = 1$ — disjunction):
$$R(x) = \left[\sum\limits_{j \in {\color{orange}J}} [{\color{orange}a_j} \leq f_j(x) \leq
{\color{orange}b_j}] \geq {\color{orange}d}\right]$$
Parameters ${\color{orange}J, a_j, b_j, d,}$
are tuned using the training set via optimization of the information criterion.
- Half-plane — linear threshold function:
$$R(x) = \left[\sum\limits_{j \in {\color{orange}J}} {\color{orange}w_j} f_j(x)
\geq {\color{orange}w_0}\right]$$
- Sphere — proximity threshold function:
$$R(x) = [(\rho(x, {\color{orange}x_0}) \leq {\color{orange}w_0}]$$
- AVE — algorithms for calculating estimates [Yu. I. Zhuravlev, 1971]:
$$\rho(x, {\color{orange}x_0}) = \max\limits_{j \in {\color{orange}J}}
{\color{orange}w_j} |f_j(x) - f_j({\color{orange}x_0})|$$
- SCM — set covering machine [M. Marchand, 2001]:
$$\rho(x, {\color{orange}x_0}) = \sum\limits_{j \in {\color{orange}J}} {\color{orange}w_j}
|f_j(x) - f_j({\color{orange}x_0})|^{\color{orange}\gamma}$$
Parameters ${\color{orange}J, w_j, w_0, x_0, \gamma,}$
are tuned using the training set via optimization of the information criterion.
Rules generation
Input: Training sample $X^\ell$
Output: Set of rules $Z$
- Initial set of rules $Z$
- repeat
- $Z^\prime :=$ set of local modifications of the rules $R \in Z$
- remove overly similar rules from $Z \cup Z^\prime$
- $Z :=$ most informative rules from $Z \cup Z^\prime$
- until the rules keep improving
- return $Z$
Specific cases of optimization
- Genetic (evolutionary) algorithms
- Guided Local Search (GLS) — adjusting penalties during the search process
- Branch and bound method — discarding areas that definitely do not contain optimal solutions
Local rule modifications
Example. Family of conjunctions of threshold conditions:
$$ R(x) = \bigwedge\limits_{j \in {\color{orange}J}} [{\color{orange}a_j} \leq f_j(x) \leq {\color{orange}b_j}]$$
Local modifications of a conjunctive rule:
- varying one of the thresholds ${\color{orange}a_j}$ or ${\color{orange}b_j}$
- varying both thresholds ${\color{orange}a_j}$ and ${\color{orange}b_j}$ simultaneously
- adding feature ${\color{orange}f_j}$ to ${\color{orange}J}$ with variation of thresholds
${\color{orange} a_j, b_j}$
- removing feature ${\color{orange}f_j}$ from ${\color{orange}J}$
- When removing a feature (pruning),
informativeness is usually evaluated on a control sample (hold-out)
- The same methods are suitable for optimizing
the set ${\color{orange}J}$ as for feature selection
Regularity selection based on a pair of criteria
$p_c \to \max, n_c \to \min$
Pareto front — a set of non-improvable regularities.
A point is non-improvable if there are no points to the left and below it
Problem: it would be desirable
to have a single scalar criterion
Complex informativeness criteria
- Entropy information gain criterion:
$ \text{IGain}(p, n) = h\left(\frac{P}{\ell} \right) - \frac{p+n}{\ell} h\left(\frac{p}{p+n} \right) - \frac{\ell-p-n}{\ell} h\left(\frac{P-p}{\ell-p-n} \right) \to \max $
$ h(q) = -q \log_2 q - (1-q) \log_2 (1 - q)$ — entropy of “two-class distribution”
- Gini Impurity:
$\text{IGini}(p, n) = \text{IGain}(p, n)$ when $h(q) = 4q(1 - q)$
- Fisher's Exact Test:
$\text{IStat}(p, n) = -\frac{1}{\ell} \log_2 \frac{C_P^pC_N^n}{C_{P+N}^{p+n}} \to \max$
— the argument of logarith is simply the probability of realizing such a pair of $p, n$,
when choosing $(p+n)$ elements from $(P+N)$
- Boosting a criterion [Cohen, Singer, 1999]:
$$\sqrt{p} - \sqrt{n} \to \max$$
- Normalized boosting criterion:
$$\sqrt{\frac{p}{P}} - \sqrt{\frac{n}{N}} \to \max$$
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
q = np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, num=50)
h_q = -q * np.log2(q) - (1 - q) * np.log2(1 - q)
h_q_2 = 4 * q * (1 - q)
ax.set_xlabel('q'), ax.set_xlim(-0.1, 1.1)
ax.plot(q, h_q, 'bo-', label='entropy')
ax.plot(q, h_q_2, 'go--', label='Gini impurity')
ax.grid(True), plt.legend(loc='best')
Combined use of regularities
- Weighted Voting (linear classifier with weights $w_{yt}$):
$a(x) = \arg\max_{y \in Y} \sum_{t=1}^{T} w_{yt} R_{yt}(x)$
- Simple Voting (majority committee):
$a(x) = \arg\max_{y \in Y} \frac{1}{T_y}\sum_{t=1}^{T_y} R_{yt}(x)$
- Decision List (seniority committee), \(c_t \in Y \):
Decision Tree Classifier
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 10.0))
clf = plot_model(X, y, DecisionTreeClassifier())
Nice visual example of DecisionTreeClassifier
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 10.0))
clf = plot_model(X, y, DecisionTreeClassifier(), prob=True)
The model's confidence is close to 1.0 everywhere. What happened?
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 10.0))
clf = plot_model(X, y, DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3))
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree
def draw_decision_tree(clf, column_names):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,10))
plot_tree(clf, filled=True, feature_names=column_names)
return fig
draw_decision_tree(clf, features)
Training a Decision Tree: ID3 Algorithm
$v_0$ := TreeGrowing($X_\ell$)
- FUNCTION TreeGrowing($U \subseteq X_\ell$) $\mapsto$ root of a tree $v$
- if StopCriteria($U$) then
return a new leaf $v$, taking $y_v$ := Major*($U$)
- find the most profitable feature for branching the tree:
$f_v = \arg\max\limits_{f \in F}$ Gain($f, U$)
- if Gain ($f_v$, $U$) < $G_0$ then
return a new leaf $v$, taking $y_v$ := Major($U$)
- create a new internal node $v$ with the function $f_v$
- for all $k \in D_v$
$U_k = \{x \in U: f_v(x) = k\}, S_v(k)$ := TreeGrowing($U_k$)
- return $v$
Majority rule: Major($U$) := $\arg\max P(y|U)$
Measure of Uncertainty of Distribution
The frequency estimate of the class \(y\)
at the node \(v \in V_{\text{internal}}\):
\[ p_y \equiv P(y|U) = \frac{1}{|U|} \sum\limits_{x_i \in U} [y_i = y] \]
\(\Phi(U)\) — measure of uncertainty (impurity) of the distribution \(p_y\):
- is minimal, when \(p_y \in \{0,1\}\)
- is maximal, when \(p_y = \frac{1}{|Y|}\) for all \(y \in Y\)
- is symmetrical: does not depend on the renumbering of classes
\Phi(U) = \mathbb{E}\mathcal{L}(p_y) = \sum\limits_{y \in Y} p_y \mathcal{L}(p_y) =
\frac{1}{|U|} \sum\limits_{x_i \in U} \mathcal{L}(P(y_i| U)) \to \min ,
where \(\mathcal{L}(p)\) decreases
and \(\mathcal{L}(1) = 0\), for example: \(-\log p, 1-p, 1-p^2\)
Branching Criterion
The uncertainty of the distributions \(P(y_i | U_k)\)
after branching the node \(v\) using the feature \(f\)
and partitioning \[U = \bigsqcup\limits_{k \in D_v} U_k\]
\Phi(U_1, \dots , U_{|D_v|}) = \frac{1}{|U|} \sum\limits_{x_i \in U} \mathcal{L}(P(y_i| U_{f(x_i)})) = \\
= \frac{1}{|U|} \sum\limits_{k \in D_v} \sum\limits_{x_i \in U_k} \mathcal{L}(P(y_i| U_{k})) = \sum\limits_{k \in D_v} \frac{|U_k|}{|U|} \Phi(U_k)
The gain from branching the node \(v\):
\text{Gain} (f, U) = \Phi(U) - \Phi(U_1, \dots , U_{|D_v|}) = \Phi(U) - \sum\limits_{k \in D_v} \frac{|U_k|}{|U|} \Phi(U_k) \to \max\limits_{f \in F}
Gini and Entropy Criteria
Two classes, \(Y = \{0, 1\}\),
\(P(y|U) = \begin{cases}
q, &y = 1 \\
1-q, &y = 0
If \(\mathcal{L}(p) = -\log_2 p\), then
\(\Phi(U) = -q\log_2 q - (1-q) \log_2 (1-q)\) – entropy of the sample
If \(\mathcal{L}(p) = 2(1 - p)\), then
\(\Phi(U) = 4q(1 - q)\) – Gini impurity
Handling Missing Values
During Training
- If \(f_v(x_i)\) is undefined \(\Rightarrow\ x_i\) is excluded from \(U\) for \(\text{Gain}(f_v, U)\)
- \(q_{vk} = \frac{|U_k|}{|U|}\) — probability estimate of the \(k\)-th branch, \(v \in V_{\text{internal}}\)
- \(P(y|x, v) = \frac{1}{|U|} \sum\limits_{x_i \in U}[y_i = y]\) for all \(v \in V_{\text{leaf}}\)
During Classification
- If \(f_v(x)\) is undefined \(\Rightarrow\) take the distribution proportionally from the child
\[s = S_v(f_v(x)): P(y|x, v) = P(y|x, s)\]
- If \(f_v(x)\) is undefined \(\Rightarrow\) proportional distribution:
\[P(y|x, v) = \sum\limits_{k \in D_v} q_{vk} P(y | x, S_v(k)))\]
- Final decision — the most probable class: \(a(x) = \arg\max\limits_{y \in Y} P(y|x, v_0)\)
Greedy Descending Strategy: Advantages and Disadvantages
- Interpretability and simplicity of classification
- Flexibility: the set \(F\) can be varied
- Handles heterogeneous data and data with missing values
- Linear complexity in relation to the length of the sample: \(O(|F|h\ell)\)
- There are no classification refusals
- Greedy strategy overcomplicates the tree structure leading to severe overfitting
- Sample fragmentation: the further \(v\) from the root, the less statistical reliability in the choice of \(f_v, y_v\)
- High sensitivity to noise, composition of the sample, and the informativeness criterion
Greedy strategy overcomplicates tree structure, so we need..
Tree Pruning
\(X^q\) — Independent validation set, \(q \approx 0.5\ell\)
- for all \(v \in V_{\text{internal}}\)
- \(X_v^q :=\) subset of instances \(X^q\) that reach \(v\)
- if \(X_v^q = \emptyset\) then return a new leaf \(v\), with \(y_v := \text{Major}(U)\)
- Count the number of misclassifications for \(X_v^q\) classified in different ways:
- \(\ \ \text{Err}(v)\) — by the subtree rooted at \(v\)
- \(\ \ \text{Err}_k(v)\) — by the subtree \(S_v(k)\), for \(k \in D_v\)
- \(\ \ \text{Err}_c(v)\) — by class \(c \in Y\)
- Depending on which is minimal:
- Keep the subtree \(v\)
- Replace the subtree \(v\) with the child \(S_v(k)\)
- Replace the subtree \(v\) with a leaf, with \(y_v := \arg\min\limits_{c \in Y} \text{Err}_c(v)\)
CART: Classification And Regression Trees
Generalization for regression: \( Y = \mathbb{R}, y_v \in \mathbb{R} \)
\[ C(a) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^\ell (a(x_i) - y_i)^2 \to \min\limits_a \]
Let \( U \) be the set of objects \( x_i \) that reach vertex \( v \)
Uncertainty measure — mean squared error:
\[ \Phi(U) = \min_{y \in Y} \frac{1}{|U|} \sum\limits_{x_i \in U} (y - y_i)^2 \]
The value \( y_v \) in the terminal vertex \( v \) is the LSE solution:
\[ y_v = \frac{1}{|U|} \sum\limits_{x_i \in U} y_i \]
Regression tree \( a(x) \) is a piecewise
constant function.
CART: Minimal Cost-Complexity Pruning Criterion
Mean squared error with a penalty for tree complexity:
\[ C_\alpha(a) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^\ell (a(x_i) - y_i)^2 + \alpha |V_{\text{leaf}}| \to \min\limits_\alpha \]
As \(\alpha\) increases, the tree is progressively simplified.
Moreover, the sequence of nested trees is unique.
From this sequence, the tree with the minimum error on the test sample (Hold-Out) is selected.
For the case of classification,
a similar pruning strategy is used, but with the Gini criterion.
Auxiliary Task of Binarization of a Real Feature
Purpose: to reduce the enumeration of predicates of the form
\([{\color{orange}\alpha} \leq f(x) \leq {\color{orange}\beta}]\)
Given: a set of real-valued feature vectors
\(f(x_i), x_i \in X^l\)
Find: the best (in any sense) division of the feature value range into
a relatively small number of zones:
- \(\zeta_0(x) = [f(x) < d_1]\)
- \(\zeta_s(x) = [d_s \leq f(x) < d_{s+1}], s = 1, \dots, r-1\)
- \(\zeta_r(x) = [d_r \leq f(x)]\)
Ways to Partition the Feature Value Area into Zones
- Greedy Information Maximization by Merging
- Division into Equally Powered Subsamples
- Partitioning by a Uniform Grid of "Convenient" Values
- Combining Several Partitions — for Example, Uniform and Median